About Us

About Our Church

Lamb of God is a church on fire for the Lord, thats led by Pastor Peter Moriba and his partner in life and ministry, his wife, Lady Eklin Moriba. We are a pentecostal church, that believes in passionate outreach for lost souls. We believe in a Three in One  God who stills heals the sick, raises the dead and sets the captives free. Come and join us for one of our services and learn more about us.


Our various ministries all ensure that you will continuously grow in your faith and walk with the Lord. We will be happy to get you plugged in to any one of the following ministries: Womens Ministries, Men’s Ministry, Children’s Ministry, Praise and Worship Team, etc. 

We Started in 2008

We started in Alexandria, Virginia in 2008. Under the leadership of Pastor Moriba, Lamb of God has been reached many in our city, and in internationally.

...And Still Going Strong

We are actively working to plant churches and establish ministries overseas.
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What We Believe In

We believe in Miracles, and the power of God to Heal, To Deliver and set captives free.

That Power Is Also Available to You

We believe same power can be in operation in your life as you either pray for yourself or others
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The Crew

Our Team

Our Team is our what moves us forward as a church. This is a group of individuals who are completely sold out for the service of the Lord. The Lord has continues to use them mightily 

Ps. Moriba

Lead Pastor

Ps. Patrick

Associate Pastor

Alfred Kargbo


Ibrahim Sheriff

Church Secretary

We Welcome You To Visit

We would be delighted to have you and your family join us for one of our services. Follow link below to view our Service Times